

Before the 70’s the only divorce allowed was for abuse, addiction and adultery. Then during the 70’s there became this thing called a “no-fault” divorce. This is when a couple just no longer wants to work on their marriage and there is no “bad guy”. This makes it more difficult for children and the whole custody thing a whole lot more difficult. Some reasons for divorce for the modern time is now there is no need for economic support, independence, empowerment, reliance on family of origin, prenuptial agreements, and so forth. There are five different types of divorce that take place within a single divorce. The first is emotional divorce. This is when the couple realizes that they have no emotional attachment towards one another. The second type of divorce is the legal divorce. This is where the couple goes to court and they have to reason with a judge that they should no longer be married. The third type of divorce is the economic divorce. This is where all the stuff separates and t


What is the purpose of parenting? It is to p rotect and prepare children to survive and thrive in the world they live in. Parenting is more for parents than for children. Because when adults don't become parents they can't learn a lot lessons that parents can. For example, parents learn patience, unconditional  love, how to keep children healthy and happy, and the reason for why families are so important.  RESPONSE-ABILITY Choices + consequences = responsibility Would God punish us every time we did something wrong? No, so we shouldn't punish our children every time they make a mistake. Because they are human too. They are learning how to be little humans in this big world. One way to figure out the best way for solving problems with your children is first asking w hose problem is it? If it is the child's problem, they should learn from natural consequences. Except if it is too dangerous, too far off in the future, and if it affects other people. If it is bo


The five P's for Fatherhood  1. Preside 2. Partner 3. To be Present 4. To Provide  5. To Protect  I decided to create a short interview with my dad, since I was home for Thanksgiving this week, to get his perspective about fatherhood. My dad is is a man of few words and he had just woken up from a nap when we did this so his answers may not fully display his whole opinions on each question but I got what I needed. 1. Question: What do you think are the main responsibilities as a father?     Answer: to provide for your family and to lead 2. Question: What do you think are some important qualities a good father should have?     Answer: Patience, patience and some more patience. That's about it. If you have that, you'll  probably be  fine.  3. Question: Who have been some good role models to you?     Answer: I don't know, my pops and different leaders that I have had  4. Question: Why is fatherhood so important?     Answer: Provide direction to the direct

Communication is Actually Really Hard...

We communicate everyday whether we like it or not. We can communicate something even by not saying any words. There are three main types of communication that takes place during a normal conversation. The first being non-verbal communication. Non-verbal is so much of how we communicate with others. It sends more messages than just our words. It can convey emotions, accents, can be substituted for words, it can contradict or complement what we say among many other things. For example, when I say something like, "Please clean up after yourself," it can be conveyed in a polite way or in a mean way depending on tone, posture, facial expressions etc. So when we communicate over text or other types of media, it is hard to get the whole picture because we can't see so much of what the other person is trying to say. We cannot see their non-verbal messages and can cause a lot of misinterpretation and confusion. When we are communicating with someone there are two processes that

Stress and Coping

Make stress your friend. Stress only has a negative impact on those who think it is negative. We learn from stressful situations. We normally think of stress as an undesirable thing, but Coping: Making small, thoughtful adjustments to withstand problems Ineffective Coping patterns 1. Denial A defense mechanism where people do not believe what they are going through. 2. Avoidance Knowing that there is a problem, yet avoiding the confrontation to fix it. 3. Scapegoating Putting all of the blame on one person, who is usually the victim and thus further victimizes them. Effective Coping 1. Affirm your own and your family's worth Going through hard times can cause some serious self esteem issues with individuals and how families view themselves as a whole. It is hard to remember through the midst of trials and stress that you are worth more than what you are going through, 2. Take responsibility This means that  you will not deny or blame the problem but also not play t

Intimacy in Marriage

Coming into this topic, I thought it was going to be really uncomfortable because in society sex is a taboo topic, it is considered dirty and sinful. In almost every movie and television show that is out there refers to sex in some way. Society has sexualized physical intimacy. We are constantly bombarded by images, movies and themes that teach that sex is dirty. But when  it is taught in a way that makes it so it's a beautiful and sacred thing when it's between a husband and wife. Jeffery R. Holland states that a sexual union is"a welding ... in matrimony... [a] physical blending [symbolic of a] larger, more complete union of eternal purpose and promise... a symbol of total union... their hearts, their hopes, their lives, their love, their family, their future, their everything." When I think how much marital intimacy brings a husband and wife together as one it is purely astonishing. Husband and wife literally become one in flesh as well as all the other aspects th


"Date them until you hate them" Every semester, I seem to have a roommate who wants to spend all of their time with their boyfriend. This makes it so that I don't have as much of a relationship with them and they don't have a relationship with any of the other girls in our apartment. I understand that there is an understanding that when you love a person you want to spend all of your time with them, but this comes at a price. In my observations which coincides with what Brother Williams taught about how people who do this, seem to not go on dates. They do homework together, watch movies, and maybe cook dinner together but they don't go out on dates as often. Dates are important because it helps the couple come closer to one another without spending all of their time together. When you spend every possible moment together, you may get annoyed with them and feel like you have no space anymore. In order to help couples avoid these kinds of situations, it's imp